How Does Telemedicine Work With a Dermatology Appointment?

Lack of time, transportation issues, and location are some of the barriers that prevent people from getting the medical care they need. Telemedicine is breaking down those barriers, allowing patients to meet with their doctor remotely by video or phone call.
At Associated Skin Care Specialists, our patient-centered team of board-certified dermatologists provides telemedicine appointments, making dermatology care more accessible to everyone.
How does telemedicine work with a dermatology appointment? Read on to find out.
Getting started
We offer telemedicine appointments to new and existing patients. To get started, you need to call us at 763-571-4000 to schedule a virtual visit.
When you call, our staff obtains basic information about your concerns and insurance information. We then send a consent form to your email for you to sign, giving us permission to see you virtually.
We offer many services through telemedicine, including initial appointments for skin concerns like poison ivy or shingles, as well as follow-up care for acne or psoriasis.
Our medical support staff calls before your appointment to get more specific information so our dermatologists have a more detailed understanding about your concerns.
How telemedicine works with dermatology
Our telemedicine appointments are live streams where you meet with one of our skilled dermatologists through a secure video call. You need an electronic device that allows for a video call and internet access to see us virtually. We need to see your skin concern in order to provide a thorough evaluation.
During your call, our dermatologist asks detailed questions about your skin, including symptoms, how the issue started, and how it’s changed over time. We also ask about your at-home treatment for managing symptoms at home, as well as your medical history.
For telemedicine follow-up visits, we review your treatment plan, discuss how it's working, and take a look at your skin concern. We may then continue your current plan or make updates.
What happens next
Once the dermatologist gathers all the information they need through telemedicine, they discuss their recommendations with you. If you need medication, we electronically submit prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice.
Though we like the convenience of telemedicine as much as you do, your treatment plan may include an in-person visit to the office. We may need to see your skin issue if we’re unable to provide an accurate diagnosis through telemedicine. Or, we may need you to come in if we have concerns about a skin lesion and want to do a biopsy.
If you don’t need to visit the office, we may schedule a follow-up telemedicine appointment to monitor your condition and the effectiveness of our treatment plan.
As long as we can see you and your skin concern, we can provide many dermatology services through telehealth. If you have an outbreak of shingles or a concerning mole, don’t let time or distance stop you from getting an evaluation. We can provide the medical assessment you need and make appropriate recommendations.
Call us at 763-571-4000 to schedule your telemedicine appointment. We provide in-office dermatology care at our offices in Blaine, Eden Prairie, Maple Grove, Coon Rapids, Fridley, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.
We also have an office in New Brighton, Minnesota where we do clinical studies.
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